F&F: Appoint a Shared Parenting Task Force

Latest F&F newsletter here. Excerpt:

'Now is the time for the Massachusetts Legislature to appoint a Shared Parenting Task Force. On the heels of the resounding success of the Massachusetts Alimony Task Force, Fathers and Families wants the same for our children with a Shared Parenting Task Force.

Call your legislator today!

I am asking every Massachusetts Fathers and Families reader to advocate for the Shared Parenting Task Force that our legislative leaders promised. Please call your legislator and tell them or a member of their staff:

Now it is time to produce the single most important reform for the welfare of our children — shared parenting — in the family courts. The legislature used a task force to work out the solution for alimony, please use this same powerful tool for shared parenting for our children. Ask the Judiciary Committee’s Chairs to appoint a Shared Parenting Task Force: Senator Cynthia Stone Creem and Representative Eugene L. O’Flaherty.'

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