Georgia House Committe Told How Men Mourn Loss of Unborn Children
Video here. ("Like"s and comments are very appreciated.) The Georgia House of Representatives is considering a bill to prohibit abortions after the time that the unborn child can feel pain. Some lawmakers have argued that a legislature composed mostly of males should not legislate on abortion, claiming that it is only a women's issue. (Some legislators have even proposed a tongue-in-cheek ban on vasectomies as a way to make this point.) On Friday, February 24, 2012, the House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee heard that many men do mourn the loss of their unborn children.
Reminding members that "it takes two to have a baby," attorney Charles Jones urged the Committee not to disregard men's views on abortion. Jones pointed out the feelings of men who did not have a voice in the abortion room, feelings of "grief," "powerlessness," and "anger," and urged the Committee to make sure that these men do have a voice when it comes to passing laws to protect their unborn children.
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I am glad this is posted.
I am glad this is posted. Of course men have a voice on abortion issues.
It did not say when the cut-off date for abortion would be if this bill passed, but I believe it is 20 weeks. Any woman should know wether they want an abortion or not after 20 weeks. I suppose there could be some miscalculations of "how far along" they are or perhaps unknowledgeable woman not knowing the "window of opportunity" for abortion (the pregnancy must be far enough along for the ultrasound and the procedure to be safe and effective), and a few cases of not knowing of the pregnancy (I did not know of my second pregnancy until 20 weeks). But anyone so conserned about pregnancy that they would consider abortion, should be more diligent about confirming pregnancy.
I personally would rather support infanticide than abortion (I support neither, but if I was forced to choose). As infanticide can be done far more humanly. I think what makes some people insensitive to abortion is because they do not have to visualize a little body. (Plus women like the anonymity of it -keeping your sins in the closet aspect)
Another perspective
I will be very honest here. When I was a young man, two of my children were aborted. At the time, I thought that was okay as they were "unwanted" by me and the mother. But over the years those deaths have haunted me, so I made the decision to live my life so that does not happen again.
My point is that easy access to abortion does not necessarily translate into greater sexual freedom for men if the price for that freedom is liberal access to abortion. Any time any man has sex with a woman, he gives her the right to abort the child. If a man does not want that to happen, he must abstain or be very careful. I choose to be very careful or do without if needed.
Also, I'm glad someone is acknowledging the issues men face with abortion.
I like that you refer to
I like that you refer to them as "my children" :)
I am sorry that your past experiences are haunting you, but it sounds like you learned something from them.
There is no such thing as "sexual freedom". Nature makes sure we pay one way or another; as an individual and as a society.
I agree
Everything we do has a consequence--and usually a greater consequence the more we try to avoid the consequence.