Florida Attempts To Reform Lifetime Alimony
Article here. The Florida legislature attempts to make a modest alimony reform, changing Florida alimony from a lifetime obligation to a "long term support" and feminists along with family law attorneys everywhere oppose it. How predictably revolting.
Feminists at the National Organization of Women are now hypocritically spouting two opposite and irreconcilable lines of attack at the same time, depending what the issue is. Politicians on the national stage have opened more combat roles to women. NOW claims that everyone should support this move because women are every bit as: tough, independent, fearless, and self reliant as men, an assessment I wholeheartedly agree with. But when a few Florida politicians consider ending lifetime alimony, the same organization starts simultaneously claiming that women are defenseless little prairie flowers and must be protected from taking responsibility for their own existence. I wish the National Organization of Women would make up its mind. If you're a Florida resident call your representatives. Excerpt:
'Rep. Ritch Workman's bill (HB 549) cleared the House Judiciary Committee by a 17-1 vote. The bill now goes to the Senate.
It would end "permanent" lifetime alimony in favor of "long-term" support that has a foreseeable end. A man with the Florida Alimony Reform group told the committee he was still paying alimony to his wife decades after their divorce because she refuses to work.
...Barbara Devane from The National Organization for Women is concerned. “They stay home, they raise the children, and then they get older and the man trades them in for a younger wife, and then they are left out in the cold, and they must be protected,” she says.
The Florida Bar Family Law Section also expressed doubts about changing the law, but said it was willing to work with the sponsor to make sure the bill is fair to both sides in a divorce.'
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some call them leeches
but that's not really fair.
you can go to yofavdoc and have a leech removed, no matter how big.
this giving away somebody else's stuff is malignant, to every society.
its like dope. they will kick, scream, try to destroy, whatever it takes to keep it coming.
just look at folks in europe rioting when there is nomosomebody else's $$$.
calling something this treacherous and vicious by the name marriage, and then claiming
yogod is part of it ... ? the land of honorable men has been asleep for faaaaar too long.
and the future history teacher says: they eventually woke up, only to be somebody else's servants.
some call them leeches
but that's not really fair.
you can go to yofavdoc and have a leech removed, no matter how big.
this giving away somebody else's stuff is malignant, to every society.
its like dope. they will kick, scream, try to destroy, whatever it takes to keep it coming.
just look at folks in europe rioting when there is nomosomebody else's $$$.
calling something this treacherous and vicious by the name marriage, and then claiming
yogod is part of it ... ? the land of honorable men has been asleep for faaaaar too long.
and the future history teacher says: they eventually woke up, only to be somebody else's servants.
my bad, i think.
dod i just write-in vote for obama?