LePage’s domestic violence legislation focuses on abusers

Article here. Excerpt:

'The executive order signed by LePage on Wednesday would create a task force to study the viability of using technology such as electronic monitoring to better track abusers and keep victims safe. That task force would report back by the end of 2012.

LePage said the proposals announced on Wednesday would create additional deterrents for abusers but would not solve the problem.

He said all Mainers, and men in particular, need to do their part to make domestic violence socially unacceptable.

Cain agreed.

“The bills today are a starting point for the work that lies ahead. It is simply not enough to increase punishment for this kind of crime after it happens,” she said. “We must also work together on comprehensive domestic violence prevention resources and treatment for battered women and their families.”'

Relatedly, wonder if there will be focus on this woman, too?

Bangor woman faces two felony domestic violence charges

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