Female Georgia Democrats Seek Vasectomy Ban In Response To Abortion Bill
Article here. Excerpt:
'A group of female Democratic legislators in the Georgia House of Representatives has proposed a bill that would ban men from seeking vasectomies.
"Thousands of children are deprived of birth in this state every year because of the lack of state regulation over vasectomies," said bill author Yasmin Neal in a statement. "It is patently unfair that men can avoid unwanted fatherhood by presuming that their judgment over such matters is more valid than the judgment of the General Assembly, while women's ability to decide is constantly up for debate throughout the United States."
The proposed legislation is a response to HB 954, a bill sponsored by Republican Doug McKillips that seeks to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Current legislation prohibits abortions after the second trimester, or approximately 24 weeks. The measure, which has been moving quickly through the House, is intended to prevent late-term abortions on fetuses that proponents say can already feel pain at 20 weeks.'
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Invalid analogy
The equivalent of vasectomy would be tubal ligation. It's a means to prevent rather than curtail.
I Concur
Why are these feminists too stupid to understand that sperm are not the same thing as a zygote?
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
scapegoating men
Abortion rights are under attack by the religious right. So why twist this issue as a men-vs-women and respond to it by attacking men who already have much fewer reproductive options than women? So these women believe that a woman who can't have an abortion 24 weeks into pregnancy is the same thing as a man who can't have sex without having a baby? If feminists want to get more support from men, then they shouldn't attack men's reproductive rights but instead try to bolster them. Pass an abortion rights bill that includes funding for male reproductive health and offers an equivalent paper abortion for men.
you will reproduce on demand
i predicted quite a while back, right on this site, that soon feminists would start trying to pass laws restricting men's reproductive rights, as in male birth control. i said no way were fem's going to let married men (especially) cut off the wife from her right to reproduce when she wants to; and, here we are.
they have already severely attenuated our ability to date whomever we wish in other countries. they attached a rider to v.a.w.a called i.m.b.r.a. literally the night before signing of the cursed vawa. what it does is require any u.s. male (only) to jump through some very personal hoops to date women in other countries when using a dating service. you must tell the woman everything about yourself, including everything. she has to tell you nada. if so inclined, she could steal your identity, or your credit. also, it makes the attempt to date much more expensive, which was the intent all along. no choices for u.s. men. no other country has anything like this. the bill was in response to so many fed up u.s. men going overseas to find compatible wives. the excuse was to protect these poor women from the violent American male. that always works.
btw- curious you may want to go research male birth control 2012. sound waves were found in the early '70's to be a very effective mbc method (splains a lot). there was a machine. the research today looks very promising in rats, who are much more potent than us. wonder what could have happened in the 70's to quash this? read the comment sections. women say they won't trust us to do it right. i say who cares?
"women say they won't trust
"women say they won't trust us to do it right. i say who cares?"
This argument always bothered me. if they don't trust men to do it, they still have their own options. And yet, we're also expected to trust them without question. Male birth control is NOT FOR WOMEN, it's for men. It takes a true narcissist to think otherwise.