SAVE: Accusing U.: Come Visit our New Facebook Page

'This past Saturday SAVE launched our Accusing U. campaign at the International Students for Liberty Conference in Washington D.C. It was a complete success -- the room was filled to capacity, barely leaving room to stand. Several students volunteered to become Campus Coordinators.

If you received our last E-lert, you are aware of the government's effort to remove the presumption of innocence from persons accused of rape or sexual assault on college campuses.

SAVE is working tirelessly to expose and expel this new Directive -- and we invite you to get involved. We have just set up a new Facebook page for persons falsely accused of sexual assault:

Drop by, like a comment, join the conversation, recommend us to a friend! For more information, visit


Tom Lemons, Director of Special Events
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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