SAVE: Standing-Room Crowd Welcomes Launch of Accusing U. Project

Yesterday, Feb. 18, SAVE launched its long-awaited Accusing U. project, designed to raise awareness about the Department of Education’s Sexual Assault Directive, and stop false allegation of rape on campus.

The roll-out featured a panel presentation at the annual conference of International Students for Liberty, held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington DC. The session, “How the Government Plans to Regulate Your Sex Life,” featured presentations by attorney Ron Henry, author Philip Cook, and SAVE program director Teri Stoddard.

Ninety students attended the session, many asking candid questions during the Q and A period. Afterwards, panelists engaged in one-on-one conversations with audience members, with a number of students volunteering to become Accusing U. Campus Coordinators.

More about the Accusing U. project can be seen here: Get in on the discussion – join our Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault Facebook page:


The SAVE Team

P.S. Start making plans now for Take Back our Rights Week, April 1-7. The week will highlight the failings of the DED Directive, which was issued on April 4, 2011.

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