Children´s Rights Organization In Sweden Skews Boys' Suicide Statistics

From GenusNytt ("Gender News"), article here.

'Association BRIS - Children's Rights in Society

Notice a statistical trick in the report they have recently sent out. It results in a clear prevalence of girls.

As you can see in their table below is the boys' percentage of young people with suicidal problems being 12.2 percent (while girls account for only 87.1 per cent).

Anyone who goes to the National Centre for Suicide Research and looks at their statistics on completed suicide - which is probably much worse than going into suicidal thoughts - get a totally different picture. Their statistics show that between the ages of 15-24 years is 74 percent of those who committed suicide boys-- that is about three boys to each girl.'

Comment by Ulf:
Misandry is surrounding boys when they are alive and misandry haunt the boys when they´re dead, by creative statistics from a "children´s rights organization". Is there any hope at all for the destructive race called "mankind"?

News submitted by

Ulf Andersson

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