Complaints to DOJ re discrimination against battered men
From Marc A.:
If you have specific instances of discrimination against male DV victims by any government-funded DV program anywhere in the U.S., I encourage you to send all evidence you have to the following federal agencies as a complaint, and state that this violates United States Code, Title 42, Section 3789d(c)(1)*. Give them as much evidence as you can. They are supposed to investigate it. I made the complaint about a year ago and after many months they wrote back saying "insufficient evidence" and that they would need more info such as dates and times of the discrimination, names of the programs and contact info, names and contact info of witnesses, documents or records, and a detailed chronological narrative. I'm going to send another complaint with more info, but I encourage others to do the same. The more the better.
You can send the complaints by email, mail, or both. Send them to:
Office of Civil Rights
Office of Justice Programs
U.S. Department of Justice
810 7th Street, NW
Washington, DV 20531
Office of the Inspector General
*"(1) No person in any State shall on the ground of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under or denied employment in connection with any programs or activity funded in whole or in part with funds made available under this chapter."
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I hope they listen and do something for battered men
I hope they do something about all the false accusations that have been waged against battered men. Felony prosecution of female, false accusing batterers would be a good start.