Trivializing abortion (while taking a swipe at men)
Article here. Excerpt:
'Janet Howell, a Democratic state senator in Virginia, does not want females who are thinking of an abortion to look at an ultrasound first. We know why this legislation was proposed and why she opposes it: The ultrasound is the biggest deterrent to abortion. A woman or girl not really happy with the choice of abortion surely is going to think twice again and likely walk out.
Rather than debate the actual question — should government participate in a medical decision no matter how odious it is? — Missus Howell decided to be clever and mock men by offering an amendment to require a rectal exam for men before they receive a prescription for Viagra.
Prescribing a medication is not a medical procedure. And I am sure that any responsible doctor would not prescribe such medication without first examining the patient, doing a family history and the like.
Her proposal showed the unserious and hateful side of feminism. To trot out the trite, she “came of age” in the 1960s (Oberlin 1966) and she does not seem to have gotten over the fact that men and women are not the same. Yes, they have equal rights — voting, jury duty, jobs — but men and women are not the same. Women have babies. Men don’t. In the development of the “right” to abortion on demand, society has decided men have no say in an abortion, and yet if a woman keeps a baby the man is on the hook for child support payments until the kid is 18.'
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all the$e fenini$t excu$e$
not wanting her to see an ultrasound before abortion.
she might not want one = $ale cancelled!
don't let men in on it, they bla bla bla.
truth = they might effect the outcome (i.e. no abortion).
$ale cancelled!
duh a b o r t i o n i n d u $ t r y! $$$$$$$$$$
milk uncle $ugar'$ cow, nobody's looking.
next week class read up on the divorce indu$try.