System of injustice: Father says Utah law allowed 'illegal' adoption

Article here. Excerpt:

'Almost five years ago, he and his longtime girlfriend, Carie Terry, were living in Denver when they found out they were expecting a baby. He says they had talked about getting married.

"It was probably the happiest day of my life, finding out I would be a dad," he said.

Manzanares says at that point they were not even considering adoption.

He says that changed a few weeks later.

"She came back from her church service and stated to me that she would have to adopt this child to a Mormon family," Manzanares said.

He says she wanted the child raised in a two-parent, Mormon home.

The conversation about adoption ended the relationship and began Manzanares's legal fight to be a father.

"I stated from that day on that there was no way I'll allow my daughter to be adopted. I will fight for her no matter what," he said.

He filed a paternity action in Colorado District Court before his daughter's birth. Colorado established him as the father.'

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