'Help! I Hate My Husband!'
Article here. Excerpt:
'"Help! I hate my husband."
This is how a letter starts in my Inbox today. It's from a 41-year-old woman named Cindy in Dallas who has been married for 12 years. I get hate mail like this using slightly different language several times a week. Substitute the word "hate" for "loathe", "despise", "can't stand" and occasionally, "wanna kill".
Any woman married for longer than six months, if she is honest, knows the eggshell thin line that separates loving from loathing The deeper the love, the deeper the potential to hate. Any wife who is honest knows the compulsion to throw things, to hiss, to swear, to sit in the driveway in your bathrobe, engine running, sobbing.
From Cindy:
"At some point every week I feel like leaving him. When we got married I imagined this great life we would have together and instead we seem to always be fighting, about the kids, about the fact that he is so remote, about the stupidest things."
From me:
"Are you still attracted to him?"
From Cindy:
"Sex is still, good, yes. But we don't have it very often. I find myself lusting after other men."'
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Well if it's really THAT frigging bad...
... just frigging divorce him!
I really have no idea why people stay in miserable marriages. I know of a number of people who have for years and finally worked up the *whatever* to move on, or who are still in their misery and I just have to wonder: WHY? Just LEAVE!
It really is that simple. Oh, to hear it from them, it isn't. But it is. Really.
The author is unduly optimistic
In this article, which seems to encourage women to stay married even if they are miserable, the author says that in spite of wanting to leave, "Yet we [women] stay married because the love out-muscles the hate in our relationships." Obviously the author is not familiar with the stats. Women leave marriages way more often than men do. According to the following web site, women leave more than 75% of the time.
So in spite of what this author claims, that women are good at putting up with pain, that they stay in marriages, the stats indicate otherwise. In truth, it is men who are much better at putting up with difficult situations than women. Men make many more sacrifices than women do (just consider who gets hurt in war as a good example). It's time that men stopped making so many sacrifices for women.
This is one more instance of women making up lies about the man-woman relationship. The prevalence of this type of lying and living-in-fantasy is truly astounding these days.