Super Bowl Hoax Redux: Hey, guys — it's just a game

Article here. This article claims that domestic violence incidents go up when the Denver Broncos lose a football game. It sounds suspiciously like the Super Bowl Hoax--that DV incidents increase on Super Bowl day. It also states the usual half-truths and unfounded statistics about DV. You can post comments under the article or send a Letter to the Editor (via e-mail) to Excerpt:

'I was never a big sports fan, and I became less of one about 15 years ago.

I was at a tea party hosted by my aunt and shared a conversation with Anne Tapp, executive director of Safe House Alliance, a domestic violence shelter in Boulder. She made a statement that comes to mind literally every time I think of professional sports.

"Our busiest days are when the Broncos lose," she said. Apparently a lot of people take the game pretty seriously."'

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