Ob-Gyns Should Screen for Domestic Abuse: Experts
Link here. Excerpt:
'Obstetricians and gynecologists should screen all patients for intimate partner violence, including during prenatal visits, according to new recommendations from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
About one in four women has been physically and/or sexually assaulted by a current or former partner, and nearly 324,000 pregnant women are abused by their partners each year in the United States, researchers have found.
"Women of all ages experience intimate partner violence, but it is most prevalent among reproductive-age women," Dr. Maureen Phipps, chair of the college's Committee on Health Care for Underserved Women, said in the news release. "We have a prime opportunity to identify and help women who are being abused by incorporating this screening into our routine office visits with each and every patient."'
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Already true in the US
In some states, anyway. All people at check-ups regardless of sex under some states' laws have to be asked certain questions by an MD during even routine visits that inquire about whether or not the person either 'felt' they were assaulted sexually, etc. I have been asked these questions, for example, myself, and the MD has told me it's a legal req't where I live.
The problem with this situation is that it is saying that there is a recomm'n that only women be screened for sexual violence. Now THAT is the real problem.
Intrusion of privacy
This is such bullshit and is intrusion of privacy!! The government (or other agencies) needs to stay out of the relationship between you and your doctors. Doctors are starting to ask more and more questions, that have nothing to do with your visit. For example my kid's pediatrician wanted to know the educational level of me and their dad and who lives in the home, he then asked if we had guns in the home. My husband is an avid hunter but at that point I refused to answer and the doctor told me it was some state requirement on him to ask. I am not comfortable giving this information out, who knows what the gov will do with the information or if it would ever come back to haunt me. Besides answering "yes" will likely lead to a mandatory routine "safety talk" as if I am unable to keep my own kids safe and healthy. I am sure the people think I am a bitch for refusing, but if it has nothing to do with the reason I am there, than I am not going to answer! The schools do this as well. They say they need all this info info in order to "help" us. I am sick and tired of the government offering all this "help" that we are not even asking for or in need of. I also hate the attitude that they know best.
As consumers and paying customers for doctors we should have the right to choose doctors that don't ask us ridiculous questions.
(Currenly it is a board of OB/GYNs making these recommendations, but soon the states will adopt these recommendations as law)
PS- Didn't President Reagan once say the scariest words are "I'm the government, and I am here to help you..."
The feminist hate movement
This witch-hunting of males is just one more example of the cancerous spread of the misandrist feminist agenda as shown in Witch-Hunting Males at Youtube.