Judge bought the lie hook, line and sinker!
A recent article (http://www.thestar.com/news/article/1119764--man-jailed-4-months-for-sexually-assaulting-wife?bn=1) in the Toronto Star has highlighted a judge who was fooled beyond belief. A man was sentenced to four months in jail for raping his wife. Not surprisingly, the wife did not bring the rape charge forward until eight months later. Eight months. I doubt I could even remember what day I had sex with my wife eight months later.
Furthermore, I'm aghast that this man couldn't see this one coming a mile away. As soon as I had read the first few lines it was as clear as day that the couple must be split up and a battle over custody of the children was the impetus behind the sleazy ex-wife. What's so disconcerting is that the judge was so easily fooled. I would have expected a higher standard of justice, but just proves how ingrained the well-oiled female chauvinist machine is in today's society.
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What's sad is, despite this
What's sad is, despite this clearly being a custody/revenge tactic for this woman, this case is going to be used by the rape hysteria industry to promote "rapists getting off easy".
if these so called judges
are actually stupid enough to not see the connection here,
i gots sum land east of fla to seel 'em, wid a brige.
i wrote it like that just in case he is reading this, understands, and wants to discuss price.
he!!, ya never know.
these cards are marked.