SAVE: We're on a quest for excellence, and you can help us find it

From SAVE:

We've all heard the stories. In relationships with violent partners, men hope for the safety of an abuse shelter, just to be told they aren't allowed inside. Abused men and lesbians reaching out for help, just to be told by DV advocates that they must have provoked their female partner.

Unfortunately, we have a long way to go before we are serving every domestic violence victim. But the news isn't all bad. There are hotlines, shelters, agencies and counseling centers that serve abuse victims who are GLBT and heterosexual men.

We are on a quest to find them. Will you help?

Please use a phone book or internet search engine to locate the DV providers in your area (county or state, depending on the size and your dedication). Then call them and ask the following questions:

What services do you provide? Shelter? Hotline? Support Groups? Legal advice?
If you have a shelter: Do you allow men? Men with Children? Provide hotel vouchers if no in-house shelter?
If you only accept women into the shelter, is there an age limit
for male children?
If yes: What is it?
Do you provide counseling for abuse victims?
If yes: Do you provide counseling for gay or heterosexual men?

Is there a support group available for men?
Do you provide legal assistance for abuse victims?
If yes: Do you provide legal assistance for men?

If hotline only: Does your hotline help abused men? How? 

When you find an agency that embodies excellence, send that information to

We know they're out there. Let's find them. Then we can show the rest how to do it right!


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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