Health & Human Services OIG - "Child Support Enforcement: Deadbeat parents earn spot on New Most Wanted list"
Thread title is from the OIG mailing-list email:
Link here. Excerpt:
'Parents who fail to pay court-ordered child support for the care of their children put an unnecessary strain on the custodial parent and the children, as well as on agencies that are tasked with enforcing these matters. Although most child support cases fall under State jurisdiction, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) plays an important role in aggressively pursuing parents who fail to pay court-ordered child support.
"Project Save Our Children" is a multiagency law enforcement initiative that investigates and prosecutes the most egregious child support cases. Its members include investigative analysts from the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Office of Child Support Enforcement External link (OCSE), OIG Special Agents, the U.S. Marshals Service, U.S. Attorneys' offices, and the Department of Justice, along with child support agencies across the United States. These entities identify, investigate, and prosecute noncustodial parents who knowingly fail to pay support obligations and meet the criteria for Federal prosecution under the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act.'
From an OIG news release:
'Washington, DC - Parents who are years behind on child support payments or who have fled to avoid paying up will now have a tougher time hiding from their court-ordered obligations, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Health and Human Services announced today.
"OIG agents tirelessly pursue fugitives who skip out on their court-ordered child support payments," said Gerald T. Roy, OIG's Deputy Inspector General for Investigations. "We have a global reach. We will find you so you can be held accountable for meeting your responsibilities to your children."'
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Excellent Quote!!!
Just found this jewel on another website:
Posted by BettyBoop_43 at 9:49 a.m. January 20, 2012
I hate to say it but more damage has been done to this country in the name of the children than has been done by all the wars since the founding.
Reinstituting slavery
One reason slave owners enslaved blacks is because they were easy to identify. So, too, it's easy to identify men. That makes it easy to identify the slaves, er, the "deadbeats."
Perhaps the government should end its pretense and simply treat all men as slaves. After all, it can take away a man's children and impose a child support obligation on him without accusing him or finding him guilty of any wrongdoing. The man can offer no legal defense to this government action. That government can then throw him in jail if he fails to meet the obligation it imposed on him. In certain jurisdictions, the government jails men and then forces them to work at various jobs--e.g., slinging fast-food burgers--to pay support. If that's not slavery, what is?
Keep in mind: none of these men were found guilty of any crime--except one. That of being dad.
So, don't have kids, don't get married, and you'll be okay.
If you feel the need to be responsible, sell dope. If you're caught, you'll go to jail and get 3 hots and a cot for a couple of years. It's a better deal than being thrown in jail when you lose your job and can't pay support.
I know that sounds cynical, but it's the logical end game of current governmental policies, which have destroyed the family, left many children fatherless, and punished men for behaving responsibly. Why do courts give children to the mom and not dad? Because dad was working to support his children while mom was the "primary caretaker." The government then jails these men if they don't pay support. A man loses his children if he supports them and gets jailed if he doesn't. Like I said, don't have kids, don't get married.
PS: Does anybody know of some free land where we can start our own country?