UK: Taxpayer forks out thousands of pounds a year for paternity tests as mothers try to claim cash off wrong fathers
Article here. Excerpt:
'Taxpayers are forking out thousands of pounds a year on DNA paternity tests after mothers seeking maintenance wrongly identified the father of their child.
Last year, around £100,000 went on tests which turned out to be the wrong man because the mother has slept with so many men that she has no idea who the father actually is.
Another £250,000 was lost by the Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission when men demanded a DNA test to prove they were not the father - but then it turned out that they were, and they nevertheless refused to pay for the test.
However, the organisation did manage to recoup £160,000 from men whose paternity was proved by the tests.
In some cases, the taxpayer pays for multiple tests when the mother is unable to identify one man as the father. There is no limit to the number of tests a person can ask for.
The CMEC orders around 3,000 paternity tests a year when paternity is contested in child maintenance cases. If the test proves negative, the cost has to be met out of public funds.'
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Was any money recouped from the women?
Oh, wait, what was I thinking? :p
It's only equality when women benefit. If they have to pay, like men, it's not equality, but discrimination.
Going broke
‘It’s sad that we need to provide this service in the first place to force people to take responsibility for their children. It’s an ordeal, it costs money and it takes time.
"Their children"? Is a man supposed to take responsibility for any child a woman has even if it's not his? How does a man know it's his? He has no way of knowing. This is common sense. People figured that out thousands of years ago but it's been forgotten today.
‘Sometimes mothers are unsure who the father is so we have to carry out multiple tests."
If the mother doesn't know, how is the man supposed to know? A man may know he had sex with a woman, but that does not mean he is the father of her child.
"We have had cases where we have to test as many as three people before finding a match. It’s a lot of money before a case can even be opened.’
The government will go broke trying to subsidize the irresponsible behavior of irresponsible women.
on maury one woman
had something like a dozen blokes on and never did find mr. ohhappyday.
millions more men married and unable to test (by law) to find out if they are being defrauded and are in fact paying for children totally unrelated to them. sad, and potentially devestating to entire families. all of this subversion, lies and criminal deception, just so society can continue the skam women have been running on men since time began.
however, today there exists an absolutely sure way to clear this cess pool of greed and corruption up, but don't you even go there. too many rice bowls could be tipped. families destroyed. but guess what? you can't put a muzzle on science for long. portable dna scanners, like all other electronic gizmos are just a Christmas present away. he!!, you can know now fairly accurately for a few bucks and a dna swab/sample.
i believe there is a lot more of this 'truth finding' going on than most want to believe. those well earned scanners at the court houses ain't there because these judges/lawyers are doing such a great job. they are screwing men by abusing the system, using their families to wreak havoc, and need protection in the doing. the truth is out there. where you gonna hide when it all falls down?