Women-only hotel floors
Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2012-01-12 18:40
Article here.
'Carol Pucci of the Seattle Times points out that JWT, a New York firm specializing in travel trends, expects more women-only floors to be opening in hotels around the globe, the result of more women traveling alone and wanting more security.
She reports the Georgian Court in Vancouver, British Columbia, has 18 rooms on the 10th floor set aside for female guests and may add more. Not only do especially women business travelers feel more secure, but the rooms are outfitted with other amenities, such as curling irons, nail polish and yoga mats.'
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Reason's to avoid hotels with women-only floors
Just some reasons off the top of my head...
1. Do you want to stay in a hotel that has women who chose to stay on a woman-only floor? I'll leave it to your imagination the kind of unpleasantness that you could be exposed to.
2. Special treatment for women == discrimination against men.
3. Hotels that will offer women-only floors are likely to be more expensive. Do you want to needlessly spend the extra money on a room that you'll spend few waking hours?
4. Do you want to spend money at a hotel chain that discriminates against you and will likely discriminate against you in their charitable donations?