Catherine Kieu Becker's Penis Cutting Indictment Could Bring Life Behind Bars

Article here. Excerpt:

'Suspect Catherine Kieu Becker, now unofficially known as the new Lorena Bobbitt, was grand-jury slapped with an indictment for alleged penis cutting so harsh that it could get her life in prison if she's convicted.

While we sometimes wonder if the justice system treats the ladies with kid gloves (especially when it comes to their own domestic violence and claims for alimony), this here case of a pared-down pecker is being messaged with the utmost of due diligence.

Men everywhere can exhale:

Our sister publication OC Weekly notes that Bobbitt Becker was handed an indictment charging the 48-year-old with "one felony count of torture, one felony count of aggravated mayhem, and a sentencing enhancement for the personal use of a knife."

What, exactly, did this seemingly upstanding Orange County lady do? (She pleaded not guilty by the way -- and remains behind bars in lieu of $1 million bail).
(We always deserve it. Tell any woman your girlfriend smacked you and her immediate response will be, "Well, what did you do?" Not that we'd know).'

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The author of this poorly researched piece writes as though this is a laughing matter. I am insulted by his unwillingness to take the case seriously. And the charges against Becker are still considerably less than what they should be. What about kidnapping (she tied the victim up as I remember)? What about the felony called forcible sex (rape)? What about the felony of engaging in a sexual act after giving someone else a drug like a date rape drug?

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some stupid people joke about something like this (1/2 of the comments), it seems to lend excuse to stupid judges to golightly with the sentences for women. lorena bobbitt never got any jail time for her actions. some poor woman (mother/wife/victim) were to get her sexual appendages cut off, the press would scream bloody murder 24/7 while congress prepares more legislation against men. the guilty guy would never spend another young day free.

next week you may well see articles about how women suffer more from men getting abused like this, and how it affects them, on a personal level. they will demand more taxpayer $$, and the whole system goes ahhhhh.

MRA's worse enemies might just be manginas. between them, the man hating feminists and the legal system, its hard to tell.

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