SAVE: The "All-Sex-is-Rape" Team is Coming to Your State

Attorney Catherine MacKinnon once proclaimed, "Penetrative intercourse is, by its nature, violent." Her writings argue that in a patriarchal society, women are incapable of giving consent, so all heterosexual sex is rape. For years, critics dismissed her has a nut case.

But now, MacKinnon's minions are working to assure that she gets the last laugh. The process began 9 months ago at the federal level with a radical overhaul of definitions of rape:

1. In April, the US Department of Education released its "Dear Colleague" letter:

2. In December, the Centers for Disease Control issued its National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey:

3. Last week, the FBI announced its new reporting definition of rape:

The ideologues are working to achieve their "all-sex-is-rape" goal through two steps:

1. Remove the requirement of the sex being "forcible," and substitute the idea of the sex "lacking consent"

2. Decree that if alcohol passes between a woman's lips, she is rendered incapable of giving consent...even if the drunken bash is her idea!

Dr. Christina Hoff Sommers discussed this issue on Tuesday's Mike McConnell Show:,0,1176295.mp3file?track=rss

SAVE's Domestic Violence Legislative Project consists of state-level citizen lobbyists working on their 2012 legislative agendas. If you would like to stop expansive definitions of rape from being applied in your state, participate in our monthly teleconferences. The next call is Feb. 21. Email to join.


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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Gay/lesbian sex, it seems, is fine. But what if one or more of the participants in that case is drunk or had even a little wine or beer? Or what about both people, did they rape each other? What about group sex? If there are 4 women and one man and the women all had wine coolers and the man had nothing, did he rape all of them? What if he had the wine cooler and they had nothing? Did they rape him? Or what if none of them had wine coolers but they invited him over to their apartment and seduced him with a game of naked twister (oh, the '70s!)? And what if it was all even numbers of sexes crammed into a hotel room off highway 7 and they were ALL a-rip-snortin' drunk???

OK, this is getting prurient. Well, I guess it depends on what you are focusing on. And in my case, I am focusing on the utter absurdity of the whole thing.

I recall in a formal reasoning class of some kind I had in college the phrase reductio ad absurdum. Before I am accused instead of using a fallacious approach to show how dumb this whole thing is, let me present my case a wee more formally:

1. Every time two adult people (male and female) have sex, the male is raping the female. (MacKinnon's assertion)
2. Adult females seek out sexual intercourse with adult males as a rule, exceptions being gay women, women who have little or no sex drive, or women deterred from seeking out sex with men for some other reason, comprising a minority of the adult female population. (Common knowledge)
3. Females find rape to be a traumatic infliction of distress and a criminally grievous assault, and so naturally seek enthusiastically to avoid it. (Common knowledge)
CONCLUSION: Therefore, adult females[3] seek[2] to be raped[1] by adult males.

PROBLEM: The conclusion contradicts the third premise.

If you can find fault with any of the premises or the conclusion, I am all eyes. Go ahead and post.

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So if this report put the number of cases at over 1,000,000, but the FBI only acknowledges 84,000 cases, then aren't more than 9/10 cases false accusations?

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