WILL Magazine (November, Issue 4)

Dear Friends & Brothers,

Please accept my mightiest apologies for the late release of this issue. Times and situations got the best of all of us here at the TWF Team.

As you all are aware, since the cost of production and courier charges was beyond our means, we've moved to Online Version Only. If you want you can access older issues at our website.

The WILL Magazine November Issue 4 on Child Rights is finally uploaded to our website.

The link to the issue is http://thewillfoundation.webs.com/documents/Child%20Rights%20Nov%20Issue%204.pdf

We ask everyone to please download and read. If you like it, you can share it with your friends and colleagues.

We humbly look forward to your feedback, comments, and article contributions.

Thanking you with best regards,

Anwar H. Danish

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