Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2012-01-10 03:14
I received this URL: http://www.circumcisiontv.com/ via email from an intactivist. Warning: It shows graphic footage of actual circumcisions being performed as well as narratives by doctors about what and how they perform them (ie, using restraints to hold the baby down, etc.). Honestly, I couldn't get past more than about a minute of watching the video on that page. When people tell you that circumcisions don't harm babies or that there is little blood, etc., send them this link and tell them to just watch. Ask them to tell you later how long they could.
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Ta muchly
I have some politicians in mind.
Rang a circ specialist in Melbourne a while back. Asked about the Medicare rebate because I thought the feds had ditched it. I was satisfied with her answer and was intending to hastle politicians rather than her. She insisted on hard sell unfortunately so I explained I was hoping to get the rebate removed and that I viewed it as child abuse. Apparently I'm "mad". I patiently explained that I don't make my living from cutting bits off baby's genitals. I morphed to "lunatic" and the phone to indefinite "hold".
I'm in a large rural city. Locals need to go elsewhere to get it done. That at least is a start.