'Men's rights extremists go online'
Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2012-01-10 01:45
Article here. Excerpt:
'Men's activists have been around for decades, but thanks to the internet they're getting slicker, more organised, more professional, and more visible.
Men's outcomes in some areas really are poor. Male suicide rates are three to four times higher, their life expectancy is lower. Girls often outperform boys at school. Males are more likely to be incarcerated, more likely to be addicted.
But these genuine issues are not the ones that concern the new breed of men's activists. These men are aggrieved because they see misandry - the hatred of males - everywhere in society, from government down.
They have a persecution complex, and aggressively lobby for better rights for men - usually at the expense of women.'
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"Persecution complex"
Don't you just love it when these media pundits throw around psycho-babble, like "persecution complex." And as for shifting to a war mentality - I am with you there. Comparing feminists to the KKK is brilliant.
Intellectual Dishonesty
I see those cowards didn't publish my comment. There was nothing vulgar or inappropriate about it. I simply pointed out some of the inaccurate parts of their article. Specifically that being an MRA has nothing to do with being middle-aged, straight, or white. In fact anti-male bias disproportionately effects minorities. I also pointed out the fact that the largest MRA organization in the United States recently helped a lesbian woman fight in court for access to her own child. I guess the truth is too much to handle. They say sunlight is the best antiseptic. No wonder these people are running scared!
Mine ether. I was simply
Mine ether. I was simply pointing out that the articles she takes objection to, accusing the government of fudging statistics, kind of gets validated by the severity of the authors response (via this article and the series on punched), and her choice to attack the MRM as extremists and attempt to discredit them rather than validating the MRA's and issues she claims are valid. One must ask, why is it more important to attack the extremists and ignore the legitimate causes, than it is to address the legitimate causes and displace the need for the alleged extremists?