SAVE: Why Doesn't (The National Alliance to End Domestic Abuse) Care About Female DV Victims?

SAVE E-lert here. Excerpt:

'The National Alliance to end Domestic Abuse (Jewish Women International) is sponsoring a conference on January 12. Jacquelyn Campbell, PhD, RN, will discuss the implementation of routine screening for domestic violence, which was recommended by the Institute of Medicine and will be part of the affordable health care act roll out in 2012.

Campbell has spent over 30 years in advocacy and research of abused women, has written 200 articles and seven books, sits on the boards of four women’s abuse shelters, and chairs the board at Futures Without Violence. One would think she really wants to end domestic violence against women.

One would think that...except...

Jacquelyn Campbell is completely ignoring a major predictor of domestic abuse towards women: their own violent acts.'

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