Boy disciplined after waving gun-shaped pizza slice
Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2011-12-27 01:29
Story here. Excerpt:
'SMYRNA, Tenn. - For the rest of the semester, a Rutherford County elementary student has to eat lunch at the "silent table" for allegedly waving around a slice of pizza some say resembled a gun.
Nicholas Taylor attends David Youree Elementary School in Smyrna, about 30 miles southeast of Nashville.
School leaders say the 10-year-old threatened other students at his lunch table with a piece of pizza with bites out of it so it looked like a gun and when asked about it was initially not truthful.
Nicholas' mother LeAnn calls her son's punishment "absolutely ridiculous" saying he was just playing around and never said anything derogatory or anything about shooting anyone.'
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One more male ground up in the witch-hunt
He's just one more male who's being ground up in the gender feminist witch-hunt of all things male as shown in Witch-Hunting Males at Youtube.