Pro-Male Affirmative Action?
Article here. Excerpt:
'Indeed, the entire concept of pro-male affirmative action undermines the feminist cause. Admitting that women so dominate academia that men need special rules to compete exposes as absurd the feminists' continued push for funding for girl-power programs (such as those related to math and science) and their continued fixation on the exact number of female college athletes. Feminists also have long championed affirmative action programs for other underrepresented groups, which would make outrage about using different standards for men a stretch.
Education reformers should consider why our K-12 education system fails to help so many boys reach their potential. Just as fixing the pipeline is ultimately the best path to boost minority education achievement, so it is with our nation's boys. Parents should consider whether traditional one-size-fits-all public schools are really best for their sons. Our education system should be restructured so that there are more options, including paradigms better-suited to serve boys' specific academic needs.
Many may prefer to ignore pro-male affirmative action policies, but they are a symptom of larger issues that will continue to hurt American society.'
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