NCFM Los Angeles stages protest against Verizon’s male-bashing anti-father video
Article here. Excerpt:
'On Saturday, 12/10/11, the Los Angeles chapter of the National Coalition For Men (NCFM) held a street demonstration outside Verizon to protest Verizon’s anti-father advertisements that depict fathers as “Monsters.”
Approximately 15 people participated in the rally, including members of Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND), a faith-based organization founded by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson that has a home for troubled young men. The rally was at the corner of 26th Street and Wilshire Blvd. in Santa Monica.
“Verizon finally pulled the ad, but the company has a history of anti-father ads, and we had to protest years ago for the same thing,” said Marc Angelucci, NCFM’s Vice President. “Also, a lot of Verizon‘s false, stereotyping information on domestic violence is still on their website.”
verizonIn addition to displaying a number of large signs saying things such as: “Verizon, Stop the Anti-Father Ads!,” “Honk For Dads Rights,” and “Stop Abuse For Everyone,” NCFM members spoke from a bullhorn and handed out flyers from the organization Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) , which is organizing a national protest against the ads.'
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