Woman 'killed son in botched exorcism'

Story here. Excerpt:

'Latisha Lawson, 31, forced her two-year-old son Jezaih to drink a vile mixture of olive oil and vinegar as part of a ritual to drive the devil from his body.

As he choked on the liquid she held her hand over his mouth to stop him vomiting and crushed his neck.

Jurors heard Lawson had wanted to drive a demon named as "Marzon" from her son's body.

But prosecutors said there was no evidence to suggest the mother of two didn't understand how wrong her actions were.

"Jezaih was an unwanted kid," said Allen County Deputy Prosecutor Thomas Chaille. "This is a simple child abuse case. She still thinks she did the right thing. Scary."

Lawson was convicted of murder as well as charges of neglect and battery of her four year old daughter.

She faces at least 45 years in prison when she is sentenced next month.'

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