Angry Harry: 'When feminists attack'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some mornings, going through my email is just part of my usual routine. Then, other mornings, like today, someone sends an email that elicits a huge smile and just makes my whole day.

Ben Vonderheide aka Daddy Justice, is a relentless men’s and father’s rights activist. He and his video camera have been holding corrupt public officials and the corrupt family court system and its minions accountable for almost a decade.
The woman who assaults Mr. Vonderheide in the above video is Lisalyn R. Jacobs. Ms. Jacobs is the current vice president for government relations of Legal Momentum, NOW attorney and one of the individuals responsible for implementing the highly discriminatory and unconstitutional VAWA legislation. ...

Ms. Jacobs believes violence against women and girls is wrong. Her actions, however, seem to indicate that female perpetrated violence against men is right and acceptable and the Orwellian belief that some humans are more equal than others.

I could go on and on about what a hypocrite Ms. Jacobs appears to be. I could point out how a violent female offender shouldn’t be allowed to participate in any discussions or policy-making about the violence of men and the protection of women. I could say all these things and more.'

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This is from a Voice for Men, not from Angry Harry's web site. I recommend both sites for those who are not already familiar with them.

The title to the listing should be changed accordingly.

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I really hope this video becomes viral. It really speaks volumes when one of the key proponents of misandric DV laws actually commits a violent act in public against a man herself. Res Ipsa Loquitor - the evidence speaks for itself!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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