Kim Kardashian: Domestic Abuser?

Article here. Excerpt:

'People are horrified over the episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashian's in which Kim Kardashian takes a closed fist swing at husband Kris Humphries. Despite the entire scenario being caught on camera, many viewers are still wondering -- is this domestic violence?

How is this a disputable question? Though some have tried to downplay her violent reaction by calling it "playful," throwing a fist at your husband is not playful and technically falls under the category of domestic violence. It seems that because Kim is a woman people are confused as to whether or not her action falls into the "domestic violence" category. My answer: yes, it absolutely does.
Are people quick to defend her because she is physically smaller and weaker than her husband therefore he should be able to "take it?" No man deserves the humiliation and pain that goes along with being beat up by a woman despite whether or not he can physically "take it." The emotional and psychological impact lasts long after the physical bruises have faded. Men are often silent victims when it comes to being victims of rape and/or domestic violence. Male victims of domestic abuse and rape deal with even more societal stigmatization than female victims, who have it rough as it is. Society unfairly labels men who "complain" about violence from a partner as "not real men" or just plain weak. This is wrong. Anytime a person is abused by a family member it is domestic violence whether it is a female or male throwing the punches.'

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he had just instinctively back-handed her as a reflex,

would there be any doubt anywhere he would be in facebook hell?

when you don't understand that something you do to hurt someone else

is the same as them hurting you,

i'm afraid you been standing too close to that princess flame.

you are just ssooooo special girl!

burned beyond human recognition i'm afraid.

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Men shouldn't have to put up with this behavior from women. It should not be acceptable for women to slap men or knee them in the groin to make a point--just because they think men can "take it." Men may either respond instinctively--nature's built-in response to threat--or finally get tired of it and hit back. Kick a dog long enough and either of two things will happen: it will lose its spirit or it will bite back.

Rihanna beat Chris Brown on his head with her stiletto heels and he struck back. In our culture, he was the bad guy--which makes her behavior culturally acceptable. It's okay for a woman to hit a man with stiletto heels--which can cause a lot of damage--just as long as he never hits back. When he hits back, it's a crime.

I used to think the DV movement had a good purpose, if misguided. More and more, however, I've concluded the movement is about one thing: giving women permission to abuse or kill men (the "battered woman syndrome" is basically a license to kill) while denying men any legal right to fight back or defend themselves. If women don't want men to hit them, perhaps women should try not hitting men.

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You are absolutely right, el cid! I remember saying in another of my posts that it's no wonder feminists are only concerned about violence against women, seeing that they likely instigate it and bring it on themselves much of the time. Anybody with an ounce of logic knows that if you don't want a physical altercation with somebody, you shouldn't hit somebody. Sadly, a lot of women think that since out society says "a man should never hit a woman", this is a free pass for women to hit men. Quite frankly any woman with such a lack of morals that she feels entitled to hit her partner deserves to get hit back! And naturally, I was on Chris Brown's side, and had no sympathy for Rihanna. I knew the full story as well.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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A lot of women think they have a free pass to hit men because men are told "it's never okay to hit a woman." Well, just for the heck of it, yeah, it's not okay. But if a woman comes at you with a gun or even just her fists, men have the full right to defend themselves, using the force necessary. Women have no right to expect men to passively accept being hit, even if there's no lasting damage.

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