Verizon Video Teaches Children to Fear Fathers, SAVE Charges

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Washington, DC/November 29, 2011 — A domestic violence video produced by the Verizon Foundation distorts the facts, plays on emotions, and serves to alarm and frighten young children. Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE), an advocate for domestic violence victims, has communicated with Verizon executives about the numerous factual errors, but the company refuses to correct its dangerous misinformation.

Titled “Monsters,” the video revels in powerful yet destructive stereotypes: fathers as abusers, wives as victims, and young boys as future abusers. “The child who lives with domestic violence… is afraid of the monster just down the hall,” a girl’s voiceover intones, while frightening images of a hunchbacked monster-dad flit across the screen:'

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I sincerely hope the public relations personnel at Verizon get the psychiatric help they so obviously need. Maybe in a year or two at most misandry will finally be recognized and classified as a severe mental illness.

PS: I don't have or ever will use any Verizon product or service.

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The DV movement has been very successful in portraying all dads and men as potential abusers. They've successfully used the threat of male DV as a way to keep fathers out of the lives of their children, despite the data--which they've carefully hidden--that shows mothers are more likely to abuse their children.

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"she's not afraid of the dark, she's afraid of her dad."
Nice way to imply that women can't be abusive parents too. I'm sure that the five children who were drowned by Andrea Yates weren't scared of their mother at all.

"her brother is likelier to become a monster himself".
Nice of them to show the boy no sympathy. It's clear their attitude is 'fuck her brother; Just cause he's male, he can't be a victim of abuse, even if his father's abusive.'

It is truly disheartening and sad to see a company whose intent to help is laced with false statistics, anti-male stereotypes, and complete ignorance of half of the problem. Countless psychological studies have concluded that men and women initiate DV at about equal rates, and that 1 in 3 victims of serious injuries linked to DV are men. Did they not hear about the women who crushed her boyfriend with her car in Philadelphia last week?

I'm gonna forward these comments to Verizon. What a bunch of morons!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Why are we so surprised? We should be used to this by now. It doesn't matter whether it's a natural disaster, war, economic meltdown, diseases like cancer and heart disease or intimate partner/child abuse. Men don't matter. And many men are more than willing to put a woman's safety first. Now I'm not dissing anybody here, nor do I disagree with anything that's been said, but white knights are the main problem. I'll bet the majority of people in charge at Verizon are male, and they aren't doing anything different to what the crew of the Titanic did when it was sinking - putting the safety of women first. The only difference feminism has made is that it's now "Women and girls first", rather than women and children.

We must tackle the white knights who are some of feminism's biggest enablers if we are to get anywhere. If only patriarchy actually existed eh?

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