Women Aggressive Toward 'Sexy' Peers

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new study finds women can be downright nasty when they don't approve of members of their sex.

The harsh reactions of 43 women to a provocatively dressed peer, caught on tape by Canadian researchers, reveal just how sassy women get when they think someone else is sexier.

"I was convinced, having lived a life as a woman, that we're not as pleasant as some people make us out to be," said Tracy Vaillancourt, professor of psychology at the University of Ottawa and lead author of the study published in Aggressive Behavior.'

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Proving women can not only be as competitive as men, but wow, talk about a hair-trigger! Any man (or woman) I have ever met who I felt 'bested' me in some way I have thought showed me an example of something that I could improve upon, barring of course those who 'bested' me at being bullies, jerks, or something else so undesirable. But don't get me wrong, I am as subject to feelings such as jealousy as much as anyone else. But I know them for what they are, albeit only after years of jousting with them. :)

Competitiveness comes in many forms. The belief that is so common in so many societies that 'men are competitive' while 'women are more cooperative and nurturing' is utter B.S. *Anyone* can be competitive, often unnecessarily so, and it knows no limits based on what arena it's played out in, the sexes of the people involved, their ages, or anything else.

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This study reveals how little self esteem women really have. They make like they are so much the rulers of the house, how they make the rules because they have the pussies, how they are morally superior to men, how they can do anything a man can do (only better of course), etc. But now we see that all that posturing is simply bravado.

Maybe we MRAs can redirect this competitiveness, this bitchiness, toward the feminists? If we show average women how the radical feminists are reducing the number of available men who are willing to marry, perhaps women would direct this venom in the direction of NOW and similar organizations?

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Yeah, and we're supposed to believe there would be LESS wars if women were in charge of everything.

PS @Matt Re: Competitiveness. I agree. Furthermore, it shows how detrimental removing competitive activity from children's activities can be. It never allows those children to learn how to win or lose graciously.

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