With Boys on Girls Swim Team, NYT's Support for Gender Equity Takes a Sudden Dive

Article here. Excerpt:

'After years of hailing the federal Title IX ruling that mandates equal opportunity for women in school athletics (and resulted in some schools shutting down marginal boys sports like wrestling), and for the inclusion of women on boys teams, the Times now turns around and sympathizes with girls who want boys to be barred from competing with them, despite the right of boys to compete apparently enshrined in the constitution of the true-blue liberal state of Massachusetts.

'Sarah Hooper, a senior at Needham High who is the fourth-fastest female entrant, finds the situation difficult to swallow.

“It’s really frustrating to see how athletic directors and school administrators aren’t doing anything,” she said. “They really aren’t advocating for us. I understand there isn’t an opportunity for these boys, but it infuriates me that they can’t combine two schools’ boys to create one team or have them compete in separate heats. The way it is now, the boys are taking recognition away from girls who have worked hard and deserve it.”'
Crouse offered rationalizations on why having girls on boys teams is unobjectionable, but having boys compete on a girls team is a newsworthy controversy.'

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It's funny how when women get beat fair and square by men, they claim sexism was at play. When boys object to competing against girls athletically, they're accused of being chickens and afraid of losing to girls. Looks like these girls are afraid of losing to boys. What does that make them? This piece is a fine example of how a sub culture of western girls love to play the victim. It's not fair to have boys on girls teams though the reverse is fine... some girls need to GTFU (grow the f*** up). BTW, the fact that the disc jockey didn't mention it was a girls swimming team is because technically with both genders competing, its really not the girls swimming team.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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