Cops: Woman kills 1, injures 5, then kills self
Story here. This is a really terrible and tragic situation made up of immature so-called adults doing nutty things with children being their victims. The reason I am posting it is to point out that yes, some women can do really irrationally violent things, just like some men can also when under similar circumstances. Nonetheless, no adult of any sex who can tell the difference between right and wrong actions (especially mortal actions) and who is also not well and truly insane in some other relevant way (e.g.: seeing flying pink elephants while hearing loud voices urging them to kill people) has no excuse for such behavior. She killed herself, so there is no way to know what "The System" would have done with her: treat her as the criminal she was or give her a room in a psychiatric ward? But I guess she passed sentence on herself. Excerpt:
'GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) — A woman who killed her son, then shot her ex-boyfriend and four other people before killing herself was bitter over an affair with the married man, authorities said Monday.
The gunwoman, Mary Ann Holder, left behind two notes taking responsibility for the shootings Sunday morning and apologizing for the pain she caused, Guilford County Sheriff BJ Barnes said.
Investigators said the notes indicate Holder was angry about how her relationship with 40-year-old Randall Lamb came to an end after starting nearly four years ago. He was in stable condition on Monday.
Holder filed restraining orders against Lamb and his wife, saying they stalked and harassed her and that Lamb constantly drove past her house. Lamb's wife filed a restraining order against Holder, saying she would constantly call and text their cell phones and that Holder also sent nude pictures of herself to her boyfriend's wife.'
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