‘Breaking the Silence: A Practical Guide for Male Victims of Domestic Abuse’ available for pre-order

Normally when it comes to posting items about new items being sold by a person or group, I think twice. After all, if I make too many exceptions, then what? Everyone has a claim of right to say they ought to get their whatever-it-is advertised even if it is only tangentially related to MR issues. That disclaimer aside, I am making an exception for the book ‘Breaking the Silence: A Practical Guide for Male Victims of Domestic Abuse’, which I found out about from a Men's Health Australia email. Since DV against men is so under-recognized, it's important that any new work on the subject and in particular one offering practical advice to men in abusive relationships be made known. So, here it is. Excerpt:

'Male victims of domestic abuse are not often spoken for or spoken about. In this ground breaking book, Dr Elizabeth Celi sets out to debunk myths, provide practical advice and create a much needed resource for men who are experiencing domestic abuse and those who wish to help them.

If you are a man who has suffered domestic abuse, you may feel confused about what to do and whose fault it all is. You know you’re not safe but you don’t know how the situation got so out of control. If you have kids, there’s an even bigger risk than leaving an abusive or violent situation – leaving your children behind in it. At times you may even feel like you’ve failed at being a man.

You’re not alone. And although it’s not an easy cycle to break, it is possible. With the right advice, practical tips and the right team in your corner, you can rebuild your sense of self, your relationships and your life.'

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