It Is Never OK to Trick a Man Into Fatherhood

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women who trick men into fatherhood are the lowest of the low. If you think it doesn't exist, think again. It happens all the time.

The Daily Mail had several examples of men who were duped into becoming fathers by women who lied about birth control or, worse, used the sperm in the condoms to impregnate themselves. Sometimes it seems like all the rhetoric around childbearing is about women's rights and men's responsibilities, but what about in cases like these where the man is clearly duped into becoming a father because of the woman's biological clock?

It's hard to imagine anything that could be more irresponsible than bringing an unwanted child into the world and then, adding insult to injury, suing the man you tricked into paying for that child for at least 18 years. It's wrong to the man, yes. But even more, it's wrong to the child.

How does a child born this way feel? If a woman really wants a child on her own, there are ethical ways to do that. There are sperm banks and willing men who would like to become dads. What these women do is unconscionable.'

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When my then second ex-wife removed her IUD without telling me, that was the writing on the wall for me. I knew she was not trustworthy... up to that point I had been laboring (I brought home the bacon) under the mistaken assumption that she had some personal honor. Wrong!

Most American women don't care about how a man feels about kids, or what the impact of having kids on a man might be. They don't even bother to ask "how do you feel about kids?" They just do whatever the hell they feel like, knowing the law will support them in getting child support. Just look at this Justin Bieber case. His accuser (the statutory rapist) never asked him if he wanted to be a father... for God's sake he's still a child himself. That remark is assuming of course that he did actually have sex with the woman, which is not at all clear at this point.

I remember I picked up a woman in her 20s, a hitch-hiker. It was a long drive, so we had time to talk at length. She told me all about her best friend and what a "success" her friend's life had become. She talked about how her friend, also in her 20s, had sex with some random guy, and how she got pregnant, and had the kid. She talked about how the friend had deliberately cut the guy out of the kid's life, barring him from seeing his kid. She talked about how her friend had used the courts to get child support. She gushed as she described how her friend had reduced her expenses, and how she now didn't need to work, since the child support was more than enough to support both her and the baby. She told me (and I'm a man mind you) that she wanted to follow in her friend's footsteps. She wasn't in the least bit shy or embarrassed about such a manipulative approach. She seemed to think it was all quite normal and socially acceptable. She must have felt that way because she was willing to describe it all to me, a man, the gender which would be paying the tab for these leeches. I was speechless and said not a word of feedback about it. I only asked a few more questions, because I just couldn't believe it. Then, fortunately, it was time to drop her off... wow was I relieved to get that manipulative bitch out of my car.

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Gosh, redwoodwriter, I'm sure she would have had sex with you--and without using a condom because, you know, she was taking the pill and there was no chance she'd get pregnant.

You could have got lucky, man.

Her career as a con woman is never going to take off as long as she tells her victims what her intentions her.

The really sad part is that this type of behavior is both socially acceptable and legal. Even the author of the original article says this is a bad thing to do but still wants men to "take responsibility." Really bad behavior on the part of women is becoming the social norm.

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This happened to me. It was absolute hell. Ruined my career, nearly bankrupted me, ruined several of my relationships, and I have only recently been able to START to recover financially.

This duping of men should be a prosecutable offense. It is fraud and it destroys men - while the woman is rewarded with support.

I have never, and will never, establish a relationship with the child. This was a creation of the mother and I was left to foot the bill. And then, get this, she turns around and does exactly the same thing to another man. Gets pregnant and increases her income by having another child.

And it is all supported and encourage by existing laws.

It is fraud.
oregon dad

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