IA announces creation of Intact America Blog

Via an IA email:

I’ve got something to say.

Anybody who knows me knows I’m outspoken and passionate about ending infant circumcision. I have written about it extensively, I speak with the media every chance I get, and I talk with friends, colleagues, and my own family about it all the time.

But I need a regular forum for conversing with YOU, the supporters of Intact America. I need to talk with you when a conversation with a pediatrician makes me cringe. I need a bullhorn when a new article in a major medical journal breaks my heart with its misguided promotion of circumcision. I need a platform for shining a spotlight on the victories we see and hear about day after day.

So we've launched the Intact America blog. Through the blog and your comments, I hope to explore new ways of framing our discussion with others, and increasing the pressure on the perpetrators and practitioners of infant and childhood circumcision to cease and desist.

For more than three decades, the intactivist movement has provided a voice for babies who have none. With the Intact America blog, I hope to amplify that voice, farther and wider than ever before.

Visit http://intactamerica.wordpress.com/. Read. Comment. Subscribe. Share. Engage.

Thank you for your support!

Georgeanne Chapin

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