SAVE: We're on a Roll, but Many Civil Rights Violations Still Remain

It's time for high-fives and, "Congratulations on a job well done!"

Your calls and emails have caused Senator Patrick Leahy to remove the Dept. of Education's (DED) new sexual assault policy from his draft of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). See: Great job! Enjoy that sweet smell of success.

One down, many more to go...

Unfortunately, Sexual Assault was not the only section of VAWA with civil rights violations. Sen. Leahy's draft:

  • Continues funding mandatory arrest policies.
  • Provides legal assistance to accusers, yet not for the accused.
  • Perpetuates sex-based discrimination through biased predominant aggressor policies.
  • Doesn't distinguish between those making allegations and those with probable-cause evidence.
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international marriage brokerage regulations act of 2005

for those not aware of what this does, just a few

1. requires men (u.s. only country to do this) wanting to use dating sites to date/marry overseas women
to give them All the information about the guy's life, divorces, arrests, where you lived, when,
and on and on. there is no requirement of any kind from her. she could, if so inclined, steal your credit. thanks fem's.

2. drives the price of dating overseas women out of average joe's price range. can't let u.s. guys have a choice.

there is also some sort of provision in some of this crap that if miss foreign g.f. accuses dating man of assault, rape, etc., she gets fast track to citizenship. no proof required on her end one way or the other. her free lawyer $$ already included vawa. probably could use it to sue you.

this i.m.b.r.a. crap is all based on the assumption (no real research allowed, as usual) that u.s. men are violent thugs. u.s. women don't really want to date overseas guys so much i guess. they are all so good and all anyway. not dangerous like American men. he!!, the men over there have probably heard how much u.s. women cost to maintain and figure if American men can't afford them...

anyhoo, there are no good parts to this act. another hidden biden loopy. they conveniently attached it to the v.a.w.a. literally moments before it was to be signed. no matter there though. no one ever dared vote against v.a.w.a. anyway. just a precaution i guess.

btw- i've heard that they really limit how long she can come and visit too. dumbarse will let every bum in the world waltz in and stay and stay and stay, but limits legitimate relations.

i may not be exactly up to speed on all of these details. i'm not a lawyer (thank you Lord) and it has been a while since i investigated the details. just want everybody to see what gets hidden by our honorables, and how they feel about you.

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