Letter: 'Men are cast as buffoons today'

Letter to the Editor here.

'Thirty years ago, I left the Middle East region for many reasons, and one of them was the "male chauvinism" aspect imbedded in the culture. I always knew that it was neither right nor fair for all the mothers, sisters and wives living under that kind of prejudice. Now looking back, when I first arrived to the United States, the initial decade seemed promising in many ways. However, as years went by, I started noticing a change. Today, there isn't a day that goes by without seeing a TV commercial that demotes the male image and his role in society. You see husbands depicted as if they are clueless, guys oblivious to the knowledge of operating household gadgets, fathers ridiculed in front of the kids while the mother is portrayed as calm, cool and collected, besides other commercials where the father is totally absent from the family.

Congrats, America. You've reached the identical trap that most cultures in the Middle East are still held captive with and burdened by, except this time it's "female chauvinism."'

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