SAVE: Now it's our turn to take action

From SAVE:

The Forces of Darkness are gathering in Washington DC, preparing to push through another 5-year reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. Even though we met with Sen. Leahy’s staff numerous times over the last 2 years, in the end the good senator completely blew us off.

Not only does Leahy’s VAWA draft fail to include a single proposal that we presented, the draft bill adds incredibly bad stuff, like re-educating middle school children into domestic violence ideology.

Fortunately, our coalition is well-positioned to fend off this latest assault on the Constitution, the family, and on our nation’s fiscal integrity.

Today we are sending a Group Letter to Senators, asking them to not support or co-sponsor Leahy’s draft bill. I’m now writing you to join in this effort, and add your voice to the calls to reform VAWA.

Please take the attached letter, paste it on to your group’s or personal letterhead, make whatever changes you want to make, and send, email, or fax the letter to your 2 senators.

Time is of the essence... Please do this now – our children are depending on us. Working together, we will succeed in stopping the discrimination, the false allegations, and the lies.

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