Where were all the blue ribbons?

Is it just me, or do most men get upset with all the pink breast cancer products out there (that's not a bad thing at all) and the total void of any blue prostate cancer products in Sept. (that's bad). I wrote to two corporations asking why men's health is totally unimportant to them, but praising their efforts to raise money for breast cancer. Ghirardelli wrote back saying they would forward my email. Probably never hear from them. General Mills did as well, though I did call too and left my comment to a consumer help operator to be forwarded. I also wrote my son's school district as they had a whole thing with breast cancer and t-shirts and a walk, but never heard back. I wrote to the local baseball team here on Long Island, The Ducks, as they had a breast cancer awareness night and auctioned off game worn pink uniforms to benefit the cause, but had no prostate cancer night. Never got a reply. I didn't write yet, but Pepperidge Farm and Dannon are two others. Has anyone ever seen a product donating to prostate cancer or men's health?

Perhaps these companies can have a Hall of Shame, even though they do help donate for women.

Would people want to write any of these? I can get contact info., perhaps do it as a petition if possible?

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I always bring up the point at my local Kroger store when they ask to round up my bill to help fight breast cancer. I tell them when they devote as much attention to prostate cancer research I will donate to their breast cancer drive. Of course I get the deer in the headlight stare but it makes me feel good.

Another point is that there is an a huge about of money being poured into the breast cancer thing but one has to speculate just where is it actually going to? I bet a huge amount is being skimmed off by the collection organizations themselves for excessive overhead expenses.

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There was an article in the New England Journal of Medicine several years ago that itemized the amount of funding given to various health problems as a function of the harm each problem caused (e.g., deaths). Funding for breast cancer (and AIDS) overwhelmed all other diseases and ailments by a factor of several times.

So yes, I am annoyed when excessive "hoopla" is given to politically correct causes. As you point out, there is nothing wrong with the funding/awareness itself, but in the case of breast cancer, women are more important than men. That is why breast cancer receives the awareness it does. It's as simple as that. And that's why it bothers me. It's a representation that men are not valued.

My regular grocery store recognized prostate awareness month a few months ago. While commendable, it was fairly bland. However, last month was breast cancer awareness month. The entire store was pink. I stopped shopping there.

I'm always surprised when "male venues" such as baseball teams give special recognition to breast cancer. You rarely if ever see the reverse. Women care about women. Men care about women.

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I am aware of cases where deeply "compassionate" and "caring" women stole from organizations like Unicef and World Vision. I mean, the bitch was stealing from Unicef. Are men less likely to do that? I know I could not. I might not donate, and maybe I would if men were a bigger part of that, but I couldn't steal from relief aid or breast cancer research. Yep, I bet a group of women somewhere along the line are syphoning out money.

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The bias against males on health issues is so true and the media is especially guilty of ignoring prostate cancer or men's health issues in general. For example; NBC nightly news routinely will run stories on women's health issues,...ok this is fine, but very rarely will they mention men's health issues. It almost seems to even mention men's health issues,is considered politically incorrect. This double standard is evident everywhere and could be the direct result of the on going and sickening pandering to feminism.

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I posted the original comment- didn't mean to make it anonymous. Just wasn't sure where to enter my name with the link given to me.
As we all know, there are billions of dollars that our taxpayer money is used for on women's health issues. $0 for men's health. This is just society's emulation of what the government does.
There was a case here on Long Island about a couple that used breast cancer charity funds for their own personal use. Of course when they plead guilty, he got 2-6 years in prison and the wife got probation. I want to punch women when they say it's still a man's world. (Though I would never do that, as I would then make their accusation of all men are batterers real).

http://liducks.com/Contact/ Here is a way to contact this local baseball team. They do get former pro baseball players. They should have a fundraiser and auction off blue uniforms similar to pink ones for breast cancer awareness night.

http://ghirardelli.com/about/contact/default.aspx Here is Ghirardelli's email. They did write back and say they forwarded it to the appropriate dept. I guess reason drop down box would be corporate social responsibility.

http://www.dannon.com/contact.aspx Dannon's email.

http://www.pepperidgefarm.com/ContactUs.aspx Pepperidge Farm email.

http://content.generalmills.com/ContactUs.aspx General Mills contact. (Yoplait)

Here is what I wrote Ghirardelli and General Mills if anyone wants to use them as a reference:

To whom it may concern:
I wish to compliment you on your raising money for breast cancer through the
sale of your products. I know that is a great cause. However, may I ask why there
never is any fundraising done for prostate cancer? I always see pink labels on
food products in stores. I am more than happy to purchase those products to help
breast cancer. Why can't your company also do likewise for prostate cancer? After all
more men are affected by it than women are affected by breast cancer (1 in 6 will
get it). I am sure men would surely take notice if you did fundraising for that
and perhaps started a new trend. I am all for breast cancer charitable causes.
However, despite the numbers of men that will get prostate cancer, the money raised
for this cause gets less than half what breast cancer does. I am not pitting one
against the other, only lamenting the lack of interest by corporations to tackle
this deadly and debilitating disease. I do hope to see blue labels and ribbons on
your products sometime soon as I buy your products often. Thank you for considering
this endeavor.

I want to commend General Mills and Yoplait for raising up to 2 million dollars for breast cancer research. I have 2 sisters, a wife, and 2 daughters so it is great to see. That being said, I wanted to know why there was absolutely nothing being done to help men's health at all. I didn't see any blue ribbons or products raising money for prostate cancer awareness month in September. I find it discouraging to see that General Mills finds men's health as unimportant. I am not pitting women's health against men's health at all. But find it sad that Yoplait and General Mills finds breast cancer (1 in 9 women)as a major problem to tackle but prostate cancer (1 in 6 men) as something to ignore. I am gathering a list of companies that support women's health but not men's health and will look into contacting Men's activist groups to provide them with those companies. I do hope there can be a change and General Mills can commit to a program to support men's health in the very near future. I do also have a son and a father and know of a few people that are battling prostate cancer. It would be great to see General Mills lead the way in corporations that are active in raising money for men's health as well. Thank you.

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Society has deemed Women's health more important. Feminists take this philosophy to the extreme and believe women are more important than children. All the proof you need is their obsession with domestic abuse while they often ignore child abuse. Actually, they'll mention child abuse only when they spew absurd and unfounded statistics to suggest 95% of men are domestic abusers who also abuse their children. The fact that they don't acknowledge some women as abusers means they really don't care about children. Its pretty sad.

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" get upset with all the pink breast cancer products out there (that's not a bad thing at all)"

That's the funny thing. The Susan g Komen foundation (huge breast cancer foundation) was actually suing other groups for saying they wanted to find "the cure". She was actually trying to stake claim to the phrase "the cure" and was getting in the way of the other group's noble efforts. It was arrogant and f**king gross.

I do have reservation one I see huge amounts of unashamed bias towards women's health and against men's health. It just about taking on an attitude that one is more important.

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