Females worse in technical tests due to lack of interest

Article here. Excerpt:

'Researchers at the University of Iowa found that the difference in performance in technical tests wasn't related to intelligence - and it had no impact on job performance.

Young women simply aren't interested in the tests, but can adapt to the same skills if required for a job.
He found that at all intelligence levels women score lower on technical aptitude than men at the same intelligence level.

Schmidt suggests this difference stems from sex differences in interest in technical pursuits.

He warns, also that using technical aptitude tests as part of a general intelligence test may cause women to do worse.

He suggests that teachers should ensure that technical tests are not a part of general intelligence tests - as these yield distorted results.

'That is quite possible today. You can either not use technical aptitude tests or you can use them and counterbalance them,' he says, with tests that women tend to do better on, like verbal tests.'

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