Swedish Gender Politics and the Assange case
Article here. Excerpt:
'Brita Sundberg-Weitman, a Swedish lawyer, retired judge and distinguished jurist, spoke of Sweden’s gender politics and the Assange case at the February Hearing:
"Outsiders will not be aware of the role gender plays in politics in Sweden. In recent years, elements of the Social Democrat Party, including one of the complainants who is a well-known and aspiring Social Democrat politician and her lawyer, Mr Borgström, and some public officials like Ms Ny have taken the lead in amending Swedish law so as to try to make it more favourable to women. This has become a matter of political debate, but at a legal level, although some reforms have been welcome, there is a concern that others are actually producing unfairness and discrimination against men."
"It is a fact that people like Marianne Ny and Claes Borgström have worked in cooperation on different issues in efforts to produce our new, more stringent sexual offence laws. It is a fact that Marianne Ny was one of the experts for the recent law reform committee which published a report in 2010 recommending even more harsh sexual offence legislation. It is a fact that Marianne Ny approved the contents of that report which concluded that, unlike the law of England and Wales, Swedish rape law is not based upon lack of consent and which specifically rejects any recommendation that Swedish law be amended to adopt the English law approach where rape is based on consent (see page 125 of SOU 2010: 71)."
"Like Mr Borgström, Ms Ny is a well known feminist. For example, she is known to have said that when a woman says she has been assaulted by a man, the man ought to be detained because it is not until he is in prison that the woman may have the peace to consider whether or not she has been mistreated. Ms Ny has stated that she believes that imprisoning the man has a positive effect, "even in cases where the perpetrator is prosecuted but not convicted". It is also informative, in regards to the presumption of innocence, that she uses the term ’perpetrator’ rather than ’defendant’ or ’suspect’ in discussing criminal investigation in rape cases."'
'The Gender War (Könskriget), pt2 [1/6] English subs'
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