SAVE Elert: If Herman Cain were in College, He'd be Expelled by Now
Elert here. Excerpt:
'A recent article in Politico claims that GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain was accused of sexually harassing two women during his tenure at the National Restaurant Association in the late 1990s. The accusations are sourced to a series of unnamed sources. Cain is denying the claims.
And what if Cain happened to be a student attending a university that is now required to follow the Dept. of Education’s (DED) new sexual assault policy? The policy requires that colleges change their standard of proof from “clear and convincing” to a “preponderance of evidence.”
What’s more, the draconian DED policy says an institution must “take immediate action to eliminate the hostile environment… including taking interim steps before the final outcome of the investigation.” That’s why the twice-accused Cain would probably be long gone if he had been been attending the college.
Call Senator Leahy today. Politely yet firmly explain that the accused deserve protections too. Tell him to remove the DED sexual assault standard from VAWA:
Call: (202) 224-4242
Email: http://leahy.senate.gov/contact
Please contact Sen. Leahy’s office now. Thank you for helping to make college campuses safe for everyone. '
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