Cain Is Guilty Until Proven Innocent, Feminists Say
Article here. Excerpt:
'This week, after a glorious thrill ride for Americans who enjoy our national pastime — baseball — we must endure another political attack, this time on Herman Cain. I’ll resist talking about the obvious: an ad hominem charge against a black conservative who, to a lefty, represents the lowest of the low. Instead, I’ll focus on the real issue: In response to the two women who claim they were sexually harassed by Herman Cain, Erin Matson, a vice president for the National Organization for Women, had this to say: “It is deeply insulting that this is being called political. . . . Sexual harassment allegations are always about a woman who is simply trying to go to work.”
In fact, that is rarely what sexual harassment allegations are about.
Thanks to feminists’ well of grievances (hence Matson’s use of the word “insulting”), sexual-harassment allegations are about women’s feelings — and nowhere is this more evident than in the accusations against Cain. According to Politico’s sources, the incidents in question include descriptions of gestures that were not overtly sexual but made the women who experienced them “uncomfortable.”
That women now have the power to ruin men’s lives using a boatload of resentment but no evidence to speak of tells you all you need to know about feminism and its effect on our society. Once a free country, in which a person was innocent until proven guilty, America has devolved into a country hell-bent on getting even with men — and what better way to do this than using sex as a weapon?'
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I agree
Although this happened in Australia, a current story here tells the same story - a Government official (a man) gives a colleague (another man) a novelty apron as a gift, with boobs on it, part of an in-joke between the two that has been going on for some time. A woman saw this happen, took offence, and now he's being reprimanded and punished. In other words, a woman saw something happen to someone else that in now way denigrated or insulted her, had no direct reference to her and really nothing to do with her at all, but because she 'took offence', the man in question must be punished.
Lovely world we live in...