Title IX Causes Inequity
Article here. Excerpt:
'While Title IX's goals are admirable, it has not worked out in practice as it was meant to. Its implementation dictated that colleges had to balance the numbers of female and male athletes to mirror the student population at their institutions. In theory, it was as simple as creating more female sports teams to even out the number of scholarship athletes between the two genders. But in practice, many males suffered as a result of this legislation.
Male athletes from all over the country were told that their sports would be cut and they would have to provide an education for themselves. Young men who had dreamt of playing a sport in college, many of whom could not pay for an education if it weren't for their full-ride scholarships, were left out to dry.
That isn't equality, but a ludicrous attempt to justify more discrimination. Not one critic of Title IX will argue that creating more athletic opportunities for women is a bad thing. But discriminating against males to fill a quota for athletic departments is just as wrong as exclusion.'
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Basically, some women in position of power are taking revenge for the last remnants of sexism that they grew up with on boy's and young men of today. A large segment of older males filled with guilt over the privilege(private law that benefited them over women) they enjoyed while growing up, have left us younger men who didn't grow up with any gendered privilege to the slaughterhouse.
You have to understand that most Title IX supporters have an attitude of "let them eat cake". They intend to cause young men as much pain and suffering as they can with the time they have on this world. A kind of "see how you like it", 40 years too late and a generation or two removed.
America's boy's and young men have been made the sacrificial lambs for the older generations. And it will end in a similar fashion as when the Titan's cannibalized their own offspring, the Olympians. Because from the perspective of a mid 20 something guy, it is become more and more apparent that the only thing president Obama is right about is the danger of the over 40 crowd.
Look at any comment about a horrible or tragic event befalling a male victim. It is always(well vast majority of the time) the over 40 crowd cracking jokes, demeaning the person and reducing the person(male) to a sub-human level. Because really, the self-hating males of my generation are so far and few in-between that if it wasn't for the internet I wouldn't even know they existed. And most usually wise up by their late 20's.