Australia: Queensland's Minister for women - men should "end their violence against women and children and other men"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Queensland's Minister for Women has criticised Bob Katter over his views on domestic violence, after the independent MP said overcrowding in homes was to blame for the social problem.

Karen Struthers said Mr Katter was oversimplifying the problem and called on the federal independent MP to show leadership on the issue.

"Mr Katter in his leadership role should be calling on men to take responsibility for their violence and end their violence against women and children andother men," she told ABC Radio.'

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Disgusting. I wonder how much longer they can continue this charade with males being the primary aggressor in DV, when women already commit more acts of DV then men right now(women are becoming more violent and men less violent).

Struthers should be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity. Her intentionally misleading and bigoted statement will only cause more pain and suffering in a world filled to the brim with hopelessness and despair.

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