"no girls allowed…"
Article here. Excerpt:
'… It takes an almost monumental amount of effort to help my son secure a place in his life where he can just be boy. I realize that as I single mother I can not replace the absence of his father and fatherly influences so I don’t even try.
Instead, I actively seek opportunities and organizations that cater to young men and, more specifically, are led by positive masculine role models. This is no small task. In schools the majority of instructors are female… and liberal. Deadly combinations to a young man. Most of these female teachers do not like boys and will be quick to tell you young men are always their most difficult students. Instead of recognizing there exists major biological differences in how boys and girls learn these ‘educators’ attack young men as ‘problem children’ and suggest they be fed Ritalin. You can thank feminism for this. Feminism was not a champion of women’s rights and gender equality. That was just a ruse. The real agenda of feminism was to indoctrinate into society the belief that women are better than men. To a liberal and feminist, qualities associated with manhood are bad and aggressive. So young men in school are not allowed to rough house on the playground or be competitive in sports and academics.'
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