UK: Black schoolboys underachieving because 'academic success is seen as gay'
Article here. Excerpt:
'Adolph Cameron, head of the Jamaican Teachers' Association, said many boys perform poorly because their fear that appearing studious undermines their masculinity.
He claimed that many youngsters turn to a so-called “hustle culture” to make money, rather than chasing careers built on academic achievement and hard work. Mr Cameron warned that the attitude was affecting the academic standards of Afro-Caribbean boys both in Jamaica and in Britain.
They are one of England's worst-performing ethnic groups in schools. Last year just 40 per cent of Afro-Caribbean boys achieved five good GCSEs including English and maths, compared with the national average of 58.5 per cent. Mr Cameron told the BBC: "That notion of masculinity says that if as a male you aspire to perform highly it means you are feminine, even to the extent of saying you are gay.
"But in the context of Jamaica, which is so homophobic, male students don't want to be categorised in that way so that they would deliberately underperform in order that they are not."
In a lecture at an event in Bristol aimed at promoting the educational achievement of black boys and sponsored by the National Union of Teachers, Mr Cameron said that in Jamaica, boys were at least 10 percentage points behind girls in national tests.'
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The comment I left on the article:
It needs to be asked, but nobody seems to be doing so...
Why do these boys (and likely others), feel education is feminine? That it is a girls thing? Could it be that 40 years of engineering our education system around promoting girls has biased the system so much that even our children can see it? You're damn right it has http://www.google.ca/search?aq...